Google Search Optimisation

Have you have ever thought of the possibilities that a Google search has to offer? Google as the biggest search engine features a wide range of useful search features that goes beyond making regular searches here. 

I'll be exploring a number of those somewhat hidden things that you will be happy to learn Google has to offer that will help you when you need to use Google Search Box. Make sure to read our previous article on practices to get the best search results on Google.

Searching a Specific Site 

Google will often ignore punctuations that are not part of its search operator, one of those symbols recognised by Google's search operator is: If you ever need to search a specific site you should make use of the format Instance, to search for an article on Xbox Review from The Verge.

"Xbox Review"

Recall our previous article, using quotations for specific words and addition signs to query for the two specific words within an article. The search box query will then bring results that contain both Xbox and Review in a specific article from The Verge. 

Searching for referred or linked pages

This can be very useful to some people. This search query will allow you to find articles from other sites that made references or provide links to a specific site. The syntax For instance,

This query if put in the search box will allow you to get all sites that referenced a BBC article in their article. Simply put, this search query on Google will provide articles that can link you to BBC. To make proper use of this feature and be more specific, you should include something such as a word or phrase in place before using the syntax. 

"Abraham Code"

The result from this search will bring up articles about the Abraham Codes on sites other than that links or references in their articles. The feature has a lot of possibilities for those who perform research.

Finding similar Sites

Would come in handy when you're bored of a site you frequently visit or when you intend to try out alternatives. The Advanced search feature helps you get sites that a related to or similar to a specific site. The syntax

Inputting this syntax in a search query will allow you to get access to sites that are related or similar to Amazon-like eBay, Alibaba, and so on. You could also be specified by including a search word before the syntax for more specific results. 

"VR Google"

Will get you sites other than Amazon that have VR goggles for sale. Which is very useful for price comparison. This might only work for sites that end with .com as there might be no results for .io or .net sites.

Search Specific file

On occasion, you might not need an article, but rather an ebook or pdf when searching on Google. You might also be looking for videos, specific images types. The key to this is knowing the file format, while Portable Document Format is popularly known as pdfs, to search for only pdf files. Your search entry would be;


While including the details of the needed pdf before the file type entry. Other file formats such as mp4 for videos, mp3 for songs, png for transparent images may be used.

Despacito filetype.mp4

This search entry would give you results of videos with "Despacito" as their title.

Index Search

Google search has this search feature that can provide you with indexes of a certain keyword. The search query is designed to bring you results containing a compilation of information relating to your search (an online index). 

index of <drake songs>

The search query will allow you access to available online indexes of Drake Songs.

Searching for an article title

When searching for an article title. Given that you're certain of word or phrase in the title, you should use the query:

intitle: trolley thief 

The results will then be articles that contain the words trolley thief in their title.

Bonus Tips

  • Using Google Search or Google Assistant, you can request a ride to a specific place. Search or say "Get me a ride to Wall Street". Using this query, Google will show you Taxi services, their fares and their options to your destination, allowing you to make a comparison without visiting individual apps.
  • Stopwatch Feature: Google offers a stopwatch function on its search box. All you have to do is type in "Set time 5 mins". And Google will start a 5 mins countdown for you and alert you when the time is up.
  • Number into words: If you ever need to know a large number in words, like 4657935675489, you can just type 4657935675489 = words and Google will have it spelt out in words for you.
  • Be sure to make use of tabs: To get definitive results, you should make sure to use the google tabs in finding results. When you need image, click on the images tab to get image related results.

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